Friday, 5 August 2011

Other Words
1)      PDA
-          A relationship that they want to show to public, it’s always related to a couple.
2)      Love
-          Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. It can have a variety of related but distinct meanings in different contexts.

3)      Distinct
-          Something that noticeably different or clearly perceptible.

4)      Perceptible
-          Able to be perceived.

5)      Perceived
-          Become aware of through the sense.

6)      Aware
-          Having knowledge of something.

7)      Platonic Love
-          It is a chaste and a strong type of love which is non-sexual love.

8)      Chaste
-          Not having sex outside or before mirage at all.
9)      Platonic
-          Friendly and affectionate but not sexually relation.
10)  Relove
-          It is a love that needs a return or he/she need to be loved by the one who he/she give his/her love.
11)  Rebound Love
-          It is a love to avoid the pain from their last breakup, which is they try to have new relationship right away from their breakup.
12)  Rebound
-          Something that bounces back after got some impact such as ball.

13)  Prelove
-          It’s mean we need and love something previous in our love memories, which is like a treasure for us.
14)  Commitment (commit/committed)
-          It is like a dedication for us to do something with full concentration on it, to make sure it is done perfectly.
15)  Drive (driven)
-          It’s mean we operate or controlling the machine especially vehicle (in this context) to make sure it’s working or moving.
16)  Intelligence
-          It’s defined as a general cognitive of problem-solving skills.
17)  Cognitive
-          It’s a word that always refers to our brain which is the way our mind to think on something.
18)  Hypothetical
-          It’s same as hypothesis which means it needs more explanation on some question or phenomenon.
19)  Phenomenon
-          A fact or situation observed to exist or happen.
20)  Bodily-kinesthetic
-          The ability of solving problem by using his body movement and body control, and sometimes by using his body strength.
21)  Logical-mathematical
-          These people like to think about the reason, and recognize or logically analyze a problem. They also like to think more about number, patterns, and relationships.
22)  Linguistic
-          These types of people are the most knowledgeable about the language. They can communicate or solve a problem by using this ability.
23)  Visual-spatial
-          This intelligence makes people skilfully about something that have a shape, line or colour on it. 
24)  Interpersonal
-          Person that has this intelligence can be very friendly to other people because they have the ability to motivate and know the others people feeling.
25)  Intrapersonal
-          They have the knowledge about themselves, which is they always believe about their own view or opinion on something.
26)  Naturalistic
-          These type of intelligence make people have a close relation to the plant and animals, which is they will always interest about the nature and environment.
27)  Riot
-          A situation that may bring danger to other people which is done by a large group of people.
28)  Extroverted
-          A person that always full of confident and like to know by the public than being alone.
29)  Plague
-          A large number or colony of insects which will cause damage to any kind of plant especially crop.
30)  Global Warming
-          The increased temperature of the earth atmosphere due to increased levels of carbon dioxide and used of chlorofluorocarbon.
31)  Due
-          Expected at a certain time.
32)  Chlorofluorocarbon
-          An organic compound that contain many dangerous substance that can cause ozone depletion.
33)  Depletion
-          Reduce the number of quantity of something.
34)  Wildfire
-          Uncontrolled fire which destroys forest, jungle and vegetation as well as animal species. Such fires can get out of control and spread very easily over vast areas.
35)  Erosion
-          Land slides that happen because of heavy rain and poor land.

36)  Auxiliary
-          It’s giving a help and support especially to form a tense.

37)  Tense
-          A form of a verb that shows what happens in the past, present, or future.
38)  Whirling
-          It’s a movement that move rapidly round and round, the wind and water usually can form this movement.
39)  Slope
-          A surface with one end or side at a higher level than another.
40)  Eruption
-          Lava that explode from a volcano because of a pressure.
41)  Lava
-          Flowing or hardened molten rock from a volcano.
42)  Hardened
-          Firmly established or unlikely to change because it’s become harder.
43)  Molten
-          Something that become a liquid because of heat pressure.
44)  Gusts
-          A brief and strong rush of wind.
45)  Brief
-          Lasting only for a short of time.
46)  Vast
-          A very great extent or quantity.
47)  Extent
-          The area that covered by something and counted by its size or scale.
48)  Tsunami
-          A tidal wave caused by an earthquake.
49)  Tidal Wave
-          An enormous size of ocean wave.
50)  Enormous
-          A very large size of something.
51)  Ash
-          The powder that remaining after something that has been burned.
52)  Tremble
-          Something that shake uncontrolled.
53)  Shift
-          Moved or change from one position to another.
54)  Drown
-          Die or killed through submersion in water.
55)  Submersion
-          Pushed or go under the water surface.
56)  Herbicide
-          A substance that used to destroy plants.
57)  Logging
-          A piece cut from the trunk or a branch of a tree.
58)  Branch
-          A part of a tree growing out from the trunk.
59)  Stump
-          The part of a tree trunk left in the ground after the tree has been cut down.
60)  Trunk
-          The main woody stem of a tree.
61)  Woody
-          The hard fibrous materials of a tree.
62)  Fibrous
-          A thread or strand from which a plant is formed.
63)  Thread
-          A long and thin strand of cotton or nylon.
64)  Strand
-          Leave something that unable to move from a place.
65)  Ax
-          It’s the other word of axe.
66)  Bin
-          A large storage container for rubbish.
67)  Wind farms
-          A farm that have many turbines to produce an electrical energy or power.
68)  Ivory
-          A hard creamy-white substance forming the tusk of an elephant.
69)  Tusk
-          A long and pointed tooth protruding from the mouth of an elephant or walrus.
70)  Protruding
-          Something that stick out from a surface.
71)  Tend
-          Frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic.
72)  Ambiguity
-          Having more than one meaning.
73)  Meditate
-          Focus one mind for spiritual purposes or relaxation.
74)  Psychometric
-          The field of study which include the measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and educational measurement.
75)  Irrationally
-          Not logical or unreasonable.
76)  Pebbles
-          A small, smooth, and round stone.
77)  Frisbee
-          A plastic disc for skimming through the air as an outdoor game.
78)  Skimming
-          Remove a substance from the surface of a liquid.
79)  Doodle
-          Drawing a lines or patterns without thinking.
80)  Arithmetic
-          The use of numbers in calculation.
81)  Adrenaline
-          A hormone that produced in response because of stress.
82)  Tactile
-          The sense of touch.
83)  Disputes
-          Arguing or compete about something.
84)  Indicator
-          A thing that indicates a state or level.
85)  Indicates
-          Something that pointed out.
86)  Maternity
-          Its mean motherhood or for pregnant woman only.
87)  Prohibited
-          Forbidden or we are not allowed to do.
88)  Orthodox
-          Something that conventional or something that we hold traditionally, accepted, and believes.
89)  Conventional
-          A way in which something is usually done.
90)  Monastery
-          A community of monks living under religious vows.
91)  Monk
-          A man belonging to a religious community.
92)  Belonging
-          A personal possession.
93)  Vows
-          A solemn promise.
94)  Solemn
-          Be serious or formal and dignified.
95)  Dignified
-          Showing a dignity.
96)  Dignity
-          The state of being worthy of respect.
97)  Worthy
-          Deserving effort, attention, and respects from other.
98)  Soviet
-          A citizen of the former Soviet Union (Russia).
99)  Adverbial
-          A word that add information about an adjective, verb, or other adverb.
100)                      Complex
-          Consisting of many parts which are very hard to understand.

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